







弊社スタッフがこれまでに携 わった多くのロシア・CIS諸国向け輸送の一例と致し、ロシア自動車メーカー向け部品製作機器輸送、ロシア向け地下鉄車両用機器輸送、ロシア(内陸部)向 け大型建設機械輸送、カザフスタン向け完成自動車輸送、カザフスタン向け建設機器輸送、ウズベキスタン向け鉄道橋梁部材輸送、ウズベキスタン向け灌漑設備 機器輸送、ウズベキスタン向け通信放送機器輸送、タジキスタン(南部)向け道路建設機器輸送、キルギスタン向け放送設備輸送、アフリカ向けODA輸送などが御座います。




代表取締役社長 石橋 修一



About us

The core of our company focus is that of international transportation to the Commonwealth of Independent tates, including Russia. Our strength lies in air and shipping transportation from door to door. We also provide services transporting from the collection point to port or airport. Our exclusive network of transportation agencies in Russia and the CIS provides a holistic solution to our customers needs.


Our experienced and knowledgeable staffs have a wealth of experience in transportation in Russia and the CIS and provide the key to our company’s strength.

Examples of projects that we have delivered in Russian and the CIS include the distribution of car parts manufacturing machinery, rolling stock for the Russian Metro system, large construction equipment, cars and construction machinery to Kazakhstan, railway bridge girders, irrigation machinery and communication / broadcasting equipment to Uzbekistan, road building machines to South Tajikistan and broadcasting equipment to Kyrgyzstan.

Our team is experienced in avoiding the potential pitfalls of transportation in these areas and in import customers’ clearance. We are proud to offer this experience to our customers.

Please enquire when you next send freight to Russia and the CIS.
